Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Recommend A Book!

Wow! We've been writing, and we've been reading, but we have some catching up to do in the AR challenge. Let's help each other out with the book selection process by throwing around some AR titles.

Record the following in your comments:

Book title and author:
AR points:
Brief summary (don't give anything important away!) OR a description of why you liked this book:
Reading level, approximately (low, medium, high difficulty):
Where you found the book:
Your rating of the book, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the BEST book you've ever read):
Your first name:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Paragraphs - Prose of the Compelling Sort

We've tried our hand at poetry ... time to move on to prose.

Type up the first paragraph of your first prose piece under this post (using the comments - you know the drill). Remember, this first paragraph should be compelling and enticing. Draw readers in with your presentation of conflicts, use of imagery, diction (or whatever other method works best) so they will wish you had posted the entire story.

Oh, yes. One more thing: Don't forget to "sign" your name at the end of the first paragraph using the NUMBER assigned to you.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Au Naturale Feedback

When responding to a peer's poem, please do the following:

Copy the following and fill in the blanks:
Number ____ is editing __________'s poem entitled " ______."

Then answer the following questions. Make sure you number your responses appropriately.

1. Does it have a title? If yes: Is it a good one? Why/why not? If no: Offer the author some suggestions for a good title.

2. Does the first stanza/few lines catch your attention or make you want to keep reading? Why/why not? Describe what the author does well in the first stanza/first few lines, AND/OR give the author some suggestions to improve the poem's beginning.

3. Does the piece provide enough imagery? Indicate the parts that need more development.

4. Indicate any parts that need clarification (confusing parts).

5. Indicate the BEST line or section of the poem and explain your choice. In other words, tell the author what (s)he did best.

6. Indicate that parts of the poem that need the MOST work, then offer the author some suggestions for improvement.

7. Is the poem's ending effective? Do you feel that the piece is truly finished, or is the ending too abrupt? Discuss and offer the author some suggestions for improvement.

8. What, in your opinion, is the poem's theme/message? Does the title fit the message of the poem? Discuss why or why not.

9. Identify any poetics used (for example, metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, personification, imagery, tone), then discuss which one(s) the author utilizes the best.

10. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best), how would you rate this poem?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Au Naturale

We've spent some time outside, and you've written down your observations. Now it's time to put those creative juices to work by penning a new poem. This time, your poem must focus on nature/your nature observations. I am not requiring you to use a specific poem format.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Haiku Feedback

Hey, my chickadees!

Submit your haiku feedback under this post. Let's keep 'em separate from the haikus themselves. Make sure your feedback discusses one (or both) of the following:
-- the specific parts of the haiku you like, and why
-- suggestions for improvement

Your comments should be thoughtful and complex. The grade you earn will be determined by how well you follow these directions.

Finally, don't forget to:
1) Indicate the name of the person to whom you are responding
2) Sign your name at the end of your comment

Friday, May 1, 2009


Wanna know what's WAY cool? Blogging with your classmates!

Try it.

You know you wanna.

Who will be the first to share a haiku?